NATO Active Endeavour Full Size Medal
The Secretary General has established the NATO Medal to be awarded to military and civilian personnel who are, or have been, engaged in operations conducted by NATO in the Mediterranean Sea. This medal may not be worn by UK personnel.
For award of the NATO ARTICLE 5 Medal for OP ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR, personnel must complete both the qualifying period of service (below) and meet the eligibility criteria (above). The qualifying periods are those individuals who served thirty days continuous or accumulated service as part of an element of the Standing Naval Force (SNF) operating in the international waters of the Mediterranean Sea and in the air space above it commencing the 26 October 2001 and terminating at date to be determined. Aircrew will accumulate one days service for the first sortie flown of any day in the Area of Operation; additional sorties flown on the same day receive no further credit. This requirement exists for support as well as combat aircraft, support aircraft including tanker, airlift and surveillance platforms.