NATO Non Article 5 Miniature Medal
The Secretary General has established the NATO Medal to be awarded to military and civilian personnel who are, or have been, engaged in operations, or in direct support of operations conducted by NATO in the Balkans.
For award of the NATO "NON ARTICLE FIVE" Medal, personnel must complete both the qualifying period of service (below) and meet the eligibility criteria (above). The qualifying periods are thirty days continuous or accumulated service on the land or in the air spaces of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, the Former Yugoslavia (including Kosovo), Albania, and the Former Republic of Macedonia, starting the 1 January 2003 and ending at a date to be determined. Aircrew will accumulate one days service for the first sortie flown of any day in the Area of Operation; additional sorties flown on the same day receive no further credit. This requirement exists for support as well as combat aircraft, support aircraft including tanker, airlift and surveillance platforms. This medal replaces the NATO medals for the Former-Yugoslavia, Kosovo and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
The medal is always issued with a bar, inscribed "NON ARTICLE 5". This medal replaces the NATO medals for Former-Yugoslavia, Kosovo and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. With the creation of this medal, NATO has abolished the practice of issuing tour numerals to recognize more than one tour with NATO forces. The "NON ARTICLE FIVE" medal will be issued once to recognize all service in the Balkans, regardless of the number of tours a member serves. NATO no longer recognizes service in support areas such as Italy, Greece, Hungary and Austria as qualifying time towards the "NON ARTICLE FIVE" medal. A member must serve thirty days in the theatre of operations to qualify for the medal
Permission has been granted to wear this medal provided the recipient does not hold one of the other NATO medals for Former Yugoslavia, Kosovo or Macedonia.